When knowledge becomes a thief of joy
We’re taught and conditioned to believe that it’s important to stay informed and that knowledge is power.
And that’s a big but, when is it time to ask, “How much is too much?”
We live in a world of information overload, increasingly connected to news sources and questions answered in an instant— the Google Gods so quick to respond—while we continue, equally as rapidly, in the direction of disconnection from what’s so much more valuable: ourselves, our joy for this shared human experience, our healing, and our reasons for being.
And so I postulate that knowledge is power only to the extent that the having of it is put to beneficial use.
If it’s hoarded without action or meaningful purpose, it becomes disempowering. Almost like Santa carrying around a sack of toys, always adding to it, but never giving them to anyone. That sack is going to get pretty heavy.
It begs the question, “Why are so many of us addicted to the consumption of information?”
And, at what point does the consumer become the consumed?
This is what I’ve come up with so far:
We are addicted to being fired up
We are unsettled by silence and the truths that are often revealed in it
We lack direction so rather than actively choose, we passively consume
We’ve given up and are checked out
We know we’ve made a lot of not-self choices and we don’t know how to change them, so we welcome the distraction.
Knowing all of the things contributes to a sense of security.
Do any of these resonate with you? Anything I missed?
Whatever we consume—food, information, entertainment, goods and services, advice—is either fueling the life we want to create or it is taking away from it.
Read that last statement again and consider how it relates to you personally.
What kind of life are you purposefully creating?
Have you given much awareness to this? This is something that has certainly been a point of recent focus for me and a large part of the reasoning behind my break from social media.
I am creating a life I enjoy, that elicits laughter and satisfaction. One where I’m excited to share my work, regardless of outcome, reception, notoriety, or gain. I am nourishing my closest relationships and allowing them to nourish me. I am increasingly available for the wisdom my body reveals to me and I do my best to fuel it properly so that it doesn’t break down on me. I am enjoying nature, the way the sun feels on my face, the breeze blowing through the curtains, and the sound of the birds.
These are the things that are most important to me. And I’m starting to feel it more and more immediately when my mind tries to push me down paths that take away from the life I want and keep me mired in the mental madness of a life that I don’t—one rooted in fear, anger, lack, and disappointment.
When this happens, I don’t try to change my mindset. I unplug from my thoughts and return to the knowing of my body.
Most often, it says something like— Breathe. Drink some water. Go outside. Move. Focus on what is important.
What kind of life are you creating? Would you like to be more intentional about it? Want to jot down a few notes?
With this in mind, which of the following forms of consumption are fueling the life you want?
How are you turning what you’ve learned into useful or beneficial action?
Which are you consuming without action, resulting in the build up of anger, frustration, or other emotions that fuel physiologic changes that cause your heart to be faster, raise your blood pressure, or otherwise trigger a sympathetic nervous system response and set you up for disease?
Which are taking away from the life you want?
At what point do those that are taking away from the life you want become detrimental?
TV shows
Other forms of entertainment
Scrolling and social media
Health related information
I invite you to get as specific as you can regarding each of the above.
How are you using the knowledge you consume in each of these circumstances to create the life you want?
This is about changing your motivations for why you do whatever you do. It takes the focus off of what you or others think you should do which often leads to feelings of guilt, or shame, or not feeling like your efforts are good enough. It opens the door to clarity.
You’re either moving in the direction you want to go, or you’re moving away from it.
Putting each of these things through the filter of contribution to or subtraction from the life you want simplifies the process and helps you bring you on board mentally—as it is in your mind that resistance is born and from where it conducts its symphony of chaos.
When things contribute to the life you want, do them.
When they distract away from the life you want, disengage.
It really can be that simple, if you let it.
You are the only one that knows what will work for you. Reclaim your power from all of the talking heads and divest your energy away from what others say.
This allows you to change your motivation for the reasons why you choose to take care of yourself and that brings you into a space where magic can unfold.
You only have so much time, attention, and resources. What are you getting out of the investment you are putting in?
Creative inspiration often comes in the quiet, the space between thoughts. But if there’s no space, you’ll never hear it.
Maybe a redirect is in order?
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Would you like a little one-on-one guidance to move through a physical challenge, to navigate a life transition, or to lean into the human experience and learn to love yourself?
If so, schedule your Discover, Start, or Commit session today!
Or, if you’d prefer to do-it-yourself, I invite you to enroll in The School for Active Deconditioning. It’s free and available to all.
Because life is too long to suffer through and too short not to enjoy.
One more thing—I’ve returned to sharing daily pearls of wisdom on YouTube and would love to connect with you there!
See you next Sunday!